Eng. and Am. Ch. Longvue Jackpot (Jax) a top producer of pups who win at specialty shows and earn Grand Championships, Group, BIS and HIT awards. A few of his specialty winning offspring include:
Gold GCh. & Canadian Ch. Penaire's Chip Leader at Longvue (Jaxson) - WD/BW 2011 ATCA Floater; WD all 4 days 2011 MCKC weekend; BOS MCKC 2012 and ATCA floater 2013; BOB and bowl winner MCKC 2013; #1 Airedale 2012; #1 Airedale dog 2013; Westminster BOB2013; Multiple Group 1 & Specialty winner; Am. & Can. BIS winner
Silver GCh. Penaire Cash Game at Longvue (Jessie) - WB 2011 ATCA Floater; 2 time Select 2011 MCKC weekend; AOM 2011 MCKC; In 2014, BOB & Group 3 at Hatboro 2, BOS Devon, Select MCKC, BOB Eukanuba; Multiple RBIS.
Silver GCH Longvue Up the Ante (Saylor) - Multiple Group 1; BIS win; Top Ten Airedale for 2 years
Jax Top winning Grandsons include Phil (GCHG Brislines Baron Basil of Woodside); Dale (GCHS Longvue Bonaire Daredevil with TailsUp); Clint (GCHS Longvue Make My Day with TailsUp) and Graham (GCHB Longvue Dare To Dream). All of these dogs achieved #1 Airedale status, were Best in Show winners and multiple Specialty show winners.
Jax' influence on our breeding program and on the US Airedale breed in general is very significant. Over the last five years (2019-2023) four of the five Number One Airedales in the country are descendants of Jax. (Dale, Clint, Butters and Graham)
Jax - producer of numerous top show dogs and wonderful family pets.